Workshop & Genuine Parts
Our genuine parts have the same manufacturing specifications than that of the original components of your vehicle. They are designed specifically at the factory for each type of vehicle. They do not require adjustments and work efficiently.
They also have been thoroughly tested and assured to meet the rigid standards of quality and reliability of the manufacturers, which translates in proper vehicle operation and a long life for your vehicle.
On hand we have:
Additional services:
- A color scanner that allows us to reconstitute any paint formula even when it has been affected by time and nature.
- An AMMCO® computerized alignment machine allowing our trained certified technician to correct the parallelism of any vehicle.
- A CHIEF® traction and anchoring machine.
More Services
- 20,000 paint formulas
- A paint mixing lab isolated and filtrated.
- Two paint chambers heated by propane and diesel with filters and fresh air conducts designed to protect the environment. We can paint our cars in a dust free, dry and hot environment.